What Does Bloggable Mean? Definition and Actionable Meaning

Bloggable Definition

Bloggable - adjective - blog·ga·ble, (blogg - able) /'bläɡəbəl/ 

The freedom to express oneself via written word, video, or podcast. The courage to help others impact lives. The opportunity to build an online income via a conversion - focused blog. 

*It's Bloggable! = Actionable State of Mind

Two Bloggers' Blogs Whose Blogs Inspired Books 

Say that 3 times fast 🤣  Candidly the bloggers below who made It's Bloggable! possible.

Cassidy Tuttle

Fun Fact 1  - Cassidy Tuttle's blog inspired the title of the book It's Bloggbale!  Cassidy started with a photography blog. As she experimented taking photos of succulents, those photos started driving the attention on her blog. That evolved into her blog called Succulents & Sunshine which has since grown to a six figure income. 

Cassidy's blog led to multiple book deal offers which led to a major book deal. She's the author if the Idiots Guide to Succulents.com. She is now recognized as the go-to succulents expert. 

Marla Meridith

Fun Fact 2 - Marla Meridith was one of a dozen food bloggers invited to New Orleans to share Louisiana Fishermen's stories. The food bloggers voices made two impacts. One, following the BP crisis, their stories played a vital role is preserving the livelihoods of fishermen going back eight generations. Two - along with Marla's fellow food bloggers, they inspired me to start blogging. This blog led to my first book, It's Bloggable!

Marla's trip to New Orleans and her new lifestyle blog, MarlaMeridith.com led to global travel opportunities visiting ski villages highlighting Alpine Cuisine. That led to a major book deal. Now she's a proud book author with High Alpine Cuisine.

Additional Bloggable Definitions


  1. Suitable for publication on a blogquotations ▼Synonyms[edit]

Collins English Dictionary

British English

(ˈblɒɡəbəl )


interesting, enjoyable, or entertaining enough to be a topic for a blog or blog post

LEXICO - powered by OXFORD

Pronunciation /ˈbläɡəbəl/ /ˈblɑɡəbəl/ 

Definition - Suitable or sufficiently interesting as a topic for a blog.


  • My kids do crazy, bloggable things.’
  • 'I put all my bloggable thoughts on post-it notes so I don't forget'
  • 'Someone somewhere is saying something bloggble that will inspire real action.'
  • ‘If someone were to take all my emails this past year, they could create an entire journal that's bloggable. It would write itself.'
  • 'Everthing's bloggable just when you stop and listen to the wisdom to those before us.'

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